In a thrilling encounter on Sunday, TJ's U13s embarked on a journey to face off against OE's with the intention of concluding their season on a high. Despite the daunting task of confronting a team that had maintained an undefeated record for the past two seasons, TJ's demonstrated their resilience and determination from the outset.
The match kicked off with TJ's making an assertive start, securing the first try of the game. However, OE's swiftly retaliated, showcasing their own prowess on the field. As the first half progressed, both teams battled fiercely, resulting in a halftime deadlock with the scoreboard reading 10-10, leaving everything to play for in the second half.
Returning from halftime, TJ's intensified their efforts, seizing control of the game with a couple of unanswered tries. Their dominance extended beyond the try line, as they displayed remarkable proficiency in winning scrums against the head and asserting authority in the rucks. Despite OE's efforts to stage a comeback, TJ's continued to assert their dominance, adding to their tally with another try.
With the match drawing to a close, TJ's remained relentless in their pursuit of victory, culminating in a final try that sealed their triumph. The match concluded with an impressive scoreline of 35-15 to TJ's, marking a significant achievement in their season and ending OE's remarkable two-season unbeaten streak.
TJ's U13s' performance exemplified the essence of teamwork, resilience, and skill, leaving a lasting impression on both supporters and players alike. As they celebrate this remarkable victory, TJ's looks forward to building upon this success and continuing their journey of growth and excellence & look forward to another season in Kent's Group 1 next season.